A Voice for Stanford Campus Co-ed Slow Pitchers & Hard Hitters




Reported by an Ancient Scottish Reporter

STANFORD – Commissioner Leander Robinson called the pre-season meeting of SUMC Co-Ed Softball League managers to order at 2:30 PM in the Stanford Hospital Cafeteria. In addition to The Commish, 15 people attended. The following items were discussed:

Bats: After full discussion, by a vote of 11 to 4, it was agreed that a "pool" of bats would be used at each game. League Rule 32 prohibits the use of titanium or double wall bats. To provide a "level batting" field, participating teams will place all bats in one location for use during the game. Batters from either team may use whatever bat they select from the pool. Personal or expensive bats that the owner does not wish any batter to use should not be brought to the game.

Game Attendance Sheets: The League will provide umpires with sheets headed by the names of the two teams participating in each game. A player must print his or her name under his or her team name. The sheets will be turned in to after each game and kept as a record of participants to avoid end-of-season questions regarding eligibility for the playoffs and championship games.

Player Signups: Copies of the Official Roster & Waiver Form were distributed. Each person wishing to play must sign and print their name on the Form. Rich Wilkins and Bruce Wiggins have copies available. Since not all team managers were at the meeting, copies of the Form will be available on Monday, April 9, at the Hospital’s Human Resources office. The Commish will send an email to other managers to alert them that the 2001 season is at hand. The deadline for signups is Friday, May 18th. Early delivery of completed Forms will give a team a better chance of getting game times of its choice. Leander pointed out, however, that no team would be scheduled for every Wednesday at 5:30 PM. He will try to equalize the schedules as much as possible, but the date on the annual fee check turned in with the Form will help determine preferences.

Regular Season Start: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 29, 30, and 31.

Player’s Minimum Age: Further review. Last year, a 14-year old son of one player participated in one or more games. Leander will confer with Susan Cabral, Hospital HR, due to liability concerns.

Batting Order: Rule 19 was discussed regarding the interpretation of batting a "continuous lineup.

This may need further clarification to provide equal application by all teams.

Web Site: John Huguenard, player/coach of the Myoclonic Jerks, was present and will continue to maintain the SUMC Co-Ed Softball website. Leander will update the rules for installation on the web to reflect the proposed changes. He also asked that teams update their web site bios.

Special Tournament: Leander asked for input about a possible special 1-day tournament on some Saturday, either before or during the season. Entry fees will be used to assist retired umpire Bill Bell who is on disability as a Transporter in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology. Bill is fighting cancer and has taken disability leave to have time for chemotherapy. Last year’s "Bell Tournament" raised money that enabled Bill and his wife to enjoy a trip to Hawaii.